IVF Alternative Infertility Solution – Why Should You Consider One?

You may feel as if no one understands how discouraging and disappointing the situation is right now. An IVF alternative infertility solution may not seem like the right choice. For many couples, it is the most successful.

The question is what is the right approach to deal with infertility? With a little help you can find a book on infertility that actually has some other ideas and techniques that actually do work.

If you do any research on infertility you may have heard of invitro fertilization (IVF). It is a very common procedure but one that may or may not be successful. Some estimates are that it only works about 10% of the time.

Fertility clinics by and large are very reputable firms. Most clinics are not publicly funded. They need to make a profit (which is only fair). The big problem is the way they report their “success rates” in many cases.

Obviously, the interpretation and analysis of numbers can vary significantly. Every situation is a little bit different. What has worked for other couples is not necessarily an indication that you will have the same results!

Often times, a clinical pregnancy may be considered a “successful pregnancy and delivery”. Other clinics may be a little bit more forthcoming by telling their perspective patients that a “clinical heart beat” (recognition of a heart beat in a fetus) is counted in their success rate.

Whatever the measure that is used it really does pay to ask a lot of questions and get references from satisfied patients. You should do your own “due diligence” ahead of time before consenting to any procedure.

The cost of any IVF procedure is going to be extremely costly. As a general rule, you can expect to pay anywhere from $8,000 to $15,000 for one cycle of treatment. If you need genetic testing or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) (injection of the sperm into the egg) the costs will be at the higher end of that range.

That’s why a book on infertility is at least worth considering for most couples struggling to conceive. The simple truth is that you are gambling a medical procedure is going to work. Many couples get lucky and have immediate success but that is not always the case.

Whatever you decide keep in mind that approximately 20% of couples trying to get pregnant have some problems. It may not be much comfort but the situation is very common indeed.