Top 10 Physician Therapist Schools

So now that you have chosen your career choice, you should begin the steps to get closer to your goal. You should begin by choosing the school/college/university that offers the best possible programs. Fortunately for you, this article will definitely help!

For your convenience, I have done the research on the top 10 schools that are recognized by both the public and the industry for Physical Therapists. Please know a formal survey by the US News and World Report in 2008 was carried out to determine this status.

1. University of Southern California:

Is ranked the best school for physical therapy, has smaller sized classes in order to give more attention to students.

2. University of Pittsburgh

Ranked 2nd in the country, 3 years full time program and the final year is a paid clinical internship.

3. Washington University in St. Louis

Most known for its advancements in diagnoses especially those related to movement dysfunction and conducts clinically relevant researches.

4. University of Delaware

Has the best doctorate program in the country and was accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Physical Therapy Education since 1976.

5. University of Iowa

Shares the same ranking as the US Army-Baylor University where students enjoy a passing rate of 100%

6. US Army-Baylor University

This university has the same ranking as the University of Iowa.

The following universities share the same ranking:

1. Arcadia University

2. MGH Institute of Health Professions Department

3. Northwestern University Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences

4. University of Miami

Before deciding on the university that will serve you best, make sure you contact all of them and request additional information or go online and read up about these universities. Find out what it takes to get in and how much would it cost to stay there. Do an extensive research so that you know what to expect once you get there.